Monday, January 11, 2010

Hermana Daly~January 11, 2010.......spent a day in Las Rocas!

Hola familia¡¡¿
Cómo están todos? Just got done playing more fútbol...thats all the Elders love here, but we did play with President Urra, which was fun¡¡This week was a bit different because Hermana Lugo had to go to Santiago for a day to do some columbian papers, so i spent the day in Las Rocas, another sector with the other missionary hermanas from the other it was fun to mix it up a bit. This is the last week of cambios, so everyone is waiting the suprises that Pres. Urra always has for us lol.This week our zone focus was on the jovenes. We tried talking to them more because they are usually more receptive than the adults and abuelitos. We did have success and found lots of new investigadors jovenes. We shared with Kevin, a 15 year old yesterday who was way we will see if the they pray and read The Book of Mormon. Every day is a surprise. I continue to learn lots and make mental notes of the things I need to be and do in my life to stay strong and have a spiritually strong family.Love you all and keep working hard and playing hard lol. Have a great week¡¡¡¡
-Hermana Daly

1 comment:

Bob said...

Love your great enthusiasm for the work in Chile, Hma. Alysia.